Stories from 2022

Stories from the Fill The Gap project in association with Interfaith of the Woodlands

[ November | October | [ June | May | April | March | February ]

[Note: All names are pseudonyms (names flagged with an asterisk (“*”).]

November 2022 Report

The client is a black African American woman in her mid-30’s. She and her 3 daughters didn’t have a place to stay after she separated from their father. They had been sleeping at her mom’s friend’s house until they were able to find a place to rent on their own. We were able to help with $600 towards the deposit at their new apartment through the Fill the Gap Program.

The client was a 34 year old black African American woman. She stated that she had to flee with her children from her previous home for her safety. She stated that it was financially difficult to pay for a deposit for her utility bill of $330. She was grateful we could help keep the lights on for her and her 3 children.

The client is a 36 year old African American female, recently divorced. She found herself in a difficult marriage with no credit and no job prospect. She was able to secure a job and requested assistance for the electric deposit. She said this $250 utility deposit assistance will help her be able to purchase a real bed to sleep in, instead of the blow-up mattress they had been using. She was given other resources to help her furnish her new home. She was very excited and very thankful!

October 2022 Report

An African American female client, age 32, was originally referred to us by another non-profit for shelter assistance. She had originally lost her job due to Covid. Her situation quickly spiraled out of control due to a lack of savings. She was evicted and was living in her car. Interfaith was able to put her in our emergency transitional shelter program, and she was advised about the Fill the Gap Deposit Assistance Program. She came back to Interfaith 4 months later stating that she was finally able to save some funds, had gotten a job and had located a place to live. We assisted her with $600.00 towards her rent deposit. She was very thankful for the assistance.

June 2022 Report

A 61 year old Caucasian male was assisted with water deposit of $225 and electric deposit of $200. He indicated that his partner passed in October and he recently lost his employment. He stated that due to his age it has been hard finding employment and transferring all the bills to his name. The client indicated that he was thankful for the assistance.

The client, a white Caucasian female age 46, stated that she left an abusive relationship in the middle of the night and was able to live at the women’s shelter for a month. When her time there was up, she had to find a new place to live. She was able to find a job and an apartment. We assisted with the rental deposit of $600 to help her get back on her feet. She was very grateful for this assistance.

A 67 year old African American retired teacher relocated from Lithonia, Georgia and was living with her daughter on a temporary basis. She is currently unemployed and needed assistance with her security deposit. Interfaith was able to provide her with $500 for her apartment deposit through the Fill the Gap program.

May 2022 Report

A 43 year-old white female, married with six children, four living at home, was in need of a rent deposit. Their two adult children had moved out, which caused a loss in household income and they then needed less living space. We assisted with $600 towards her security deposit at their new apartment.

A 59 year old female client indicated that for several months she was homeless and expressed that is was very difficult for her to find a residence. The client stated that once she was able to find a home, much of her money went to pay for her moving expenses. She indicated that this help of utility assistance of $140 was much appreciated and without it, it would be extremely challenging for her. The client stated that she was thankful for the assistance and was glad she was referred to Interfaith and the Fill the Gap Program.

A single white male, 34 years of age living on a fixed SSI income, was able to find out about the P&J deposit assistance through his case worker. We assisted him with $450 for his deposit on his new apartment. He was very grateful because he didn’t know how he was going to be able to cover the cost on a fixed income.

April 2022 Report

Female, Caucasian, 38, single mom, with 15 year old son. Client was originally a referral from one of our member congregations for Emergency Shelter on 04/05/22. Client was living in her car with her son. Client was assisted with shelter for two weeks through Interfaith. Client was able to find employment and secure an apartment but, needed help with the deposit. Client is being assisted with rent deposit for $350.00 and utilities deposit for $210.00.

A 43 year-old white female, married with six children, four of which are living at home. Their two adult children had moved out and so they lost some household income and needed less space. We assisted with $600 towards her rent deposit.

Client is a black female in her mid 30’s. She is a single mother to a 4 year old daughter. She shared with me that she was a victim of domestic violence and thanks to the P&J funds she will be able to start fresh in a new apartment with a rent deposit of $300.

March 2022 Report

A single white male, age 34, had fraudulent activity occur with his electric account and the provider needed him to set up a new account once the situation was resolved. He had been out of work and we had assisted him in the summer of 2021, and was still having difficulties related to his earlier job loss. We were able to cover the deposit for his new service.

A single female, 55, relocated to Texas from Georgia to be closer to her family. She stated during appointment that people in Texas were so much nicer and she wish she had come sooner. Client found employment at Walmart and is extremely excited to be in a new place. Client’s deposit amount was $200.00.

Female, single, 25. Client was staying with her mom and family in a very cramped apartment, since downsizing due to Covid loss. Client requested deposit assistance in the amount of $507.00. Client is very excited and had been on the section 8 waiting list for 2 years.

A 31 year old Hispanic woman her and her family of 5 recently moved from Oregon and she could not afford the deposit on her Entergy bill. Client was very thankful to be able to get assistance thru the P&J funds.

A single mother of 5, requested rental deposit through Fill the Gap. The client was affected by Covid in late 2021 which she states that she had a stroke during the same time and later caused her to have problems with her vision. Client reports that she has not been able to return to work and has been under a lot of stress. Client indicated that she had to move out of her previous home since her lease was up. Client indicated that she was very thankful for the assistance.

A 50 year-old single white female who was originally from the Woodlands area but had moved away was now coming back to Montgomery County for a new job. She was able to lease a mobile home in Porter, TX and we were able to cover her security deposit. She was very grateful, and both she and the property manager thanked us for the assistance.

February 2022 Report

Client ID 59361
Male client, 42 years of age, was assisted with deposit assistance towards his new residence. Client explained that he had been homeless since March 2019, and through the help of some friends he has been able to get back on his feet. Client was able to provide all documentation needed and the assistance was granted. Client indicated that he is beyond happy and thankful for all the help he has received and cannot wait to finally be living in his new home.
Client ID 56634
Single, mother of two children, called and stated that due to losing her job recently she was struggling to get her lights turned on. Client stated that if she could get the assistance with a deposit for her lights that she would be able to manage her other bills without worry.
Client ID 59395
50 year old male was referred to us by the Interfaith Clinic. Client was victim to a house fire and lost everything he owned. The client and his wife had taken in their 10 year old grandson and during this difficult time of trying to find a new place for their newly expanded family to live. The P&J funds were able to help lessen the burden with the deposit assistance.
Client ID 59481
18 year old male client suffered an injury at work that was prohibiting him from maintaining his regular hours at work. Client was moving into his first new place and found himself needing help with his first deposit for his utilities. Client stated that he was able to pay for the majority of his other deposits but needed some help with the utilities. Fill the Gap funds helped with $600 towards his Entergy deposit.
Client ID 59516
Single mom arrived for her appointment requesting deposit assistance. The young mom indicated that she had just recently started a new job after being unemployed for some time and currently her income was very limited. The client explained that she and her 2 young children were so grateful for the assistance as it was allowing them to have a place of her own for the very first time.
Client #59518
Senior citizen gentleman reached out regarding deposit assistance. Client indicated that he had lived at his previous residence for 14 years, when he was suddenly informed by his previous landlord that he had to move out immediately since he sold the property. Client indicated that he was frantically looking for a new residence but was not financially ready to make a sudden move. Client indicated that he was very thankful for the assistance given, adding that without the assistance he would not have a place to live.